Breaking the Gender Bias in the Startup Ecosystem!

Women-led startups get less funding than their male counterparts. The cause for this disparity can often be attributed to an unconscious bias and strong gender stereotypes.

What does Gender Bias mean exactly? Gender bias refers to treating a person in a more or less favorable way based on their gender. Gender bias can affect society in numerous ways, for instance, funding outcomes for female founders.

The Beat Funding Bias Initiative (BFBI) aims to share best practices and lead efforts to build a systematic approach. With BFBI FE+MALE Think Tank wants to support investors and entrepreneurs to better identify gender equity gaps and opportunities for business growth.


By taking part in this survey, you agree that the FE+MALE Think Tank may use the data provided to publish related articles, reports, and/or extract statistical information to advance the organization’s goals of promoting female entrepreneurship in Switzerland and abroad. The results from taking part in the survey will help the FE+MALE Think Tank to adapt, tailor and/or customize solution-oriented materials, tools, or other related offerings to help improve outcomes for the Think Tank’s constituents and help promote and/or advance the organization’s overall mission.

Find out how biases may influence your perception

Are you an investor or a founder?


The super short survey for female founders offers an example of training that could be offered to entrepreneurs, coaches, and investors. Upon completing the survey, you will get free insights!


PART 1: 12 questions for training purposes
PART 2: 10 demographic questions

Thank you for taking the time to breaking the gender bias in the Startup Ecosystem!

Find out how biases may influence your perception

How you answer questions from investors has a big impact on getting your funding. Take the quiz and find out if you answer questions in the best possible way!


All data generated in this quiz are strictly confidential and will not be used outside of research publication, training, or for statistical analysis

How to improve your chances of getting funding

Please choose one of the 3 answers given in each question.

Question 1 of 12

What is your general view of entrepreneurship? *

Question 2 of 12

What work habits help you to be successful? *

Question 3 of 12

Tell us more about your customers: *

Question 4 of 12

How do you plan to monetize your business? *

Question 5 of 12

Forecast the next few years. *

Question 6 of 12

Considering the competitive environment *

Question 7 of 12

What makes you different from your competition? *

Question 8 of 12

What major milestones are you targeting for this year? *

Question 9 of 12

What is your aspiration for this company? *

Question 10 of 12

What knowledge, skills, and abilities are present on the team? *

Question 11 of 12

What is the data security plan? *

Question 12 of 12

In general, what safety and security measures are in place? *
Gender *
specify *
What is your nationality?
Year of Birth? *
What is your educational background? *
In what sector do you currently work? *
specify *
How many male and female founders are you? *
How many employees work in the company apart from founding team?  *
What is your business development stage? *
What are your financial requirements in (CHF)? *
Where or how did you get this survey? *

Please leave your contact details so that we can send you the result.

Name *
Surname *
Email address *


This super short assessment center around several questions to assess the level of bias by inviting the participant into a discovery journey that will help you to better identify gender equity gaps and opportunities at work. Your responses can help to determine if you, your company, or your place of business may be unintentionally propagating a high, medium, or low level of gender-biased risk in your decision-making process. Upon completing the survey, you will get free insights!


PART 1: 10 demographic questions
PART 2: 7 questions "actionable points". These questions guide you into a discovery journey that helps you identify gaps and opportunities for gender equity.

Thank you for taking the time to breaking the gender bias in the Startup Ecosystem!


How did you get this assesment? *
How old are you? *
What is your nationality? *
What is your gender? *
specify *
What type of investor are you? Multiple answers possible. *
specify *
How do you find the most promising deals? Multiple answers possible. *
specify *
36.7% of Swiss ventures are funded by women according to to Federal Statistics Office (FSO). Are you investing in fewer, equal, or more female-led ventures than this benchmark? *
How much do you invest on average per year (in CHF)? *
What is your minimum investment ticket size (in CHF)? *
What % of women founders would you think is optimum? *
Do you primarily make investment decisions alone or in teams? *

Question 1 of 7

Does your organization have any policy and or diversity and inclusion practices in place to assess unconscious gender bias at work? *
specify *

Question 2 of 7

Does your organization have another instrument to detect gender equity gaps? Multiple answers are possible. *
specify *

Question 3 of 7

If yes, how is it disseminated in the company? *

Question 4 of 7

Does your organization take active steps to work with a more diverse/representative set of founders? *

Question 5 of 7

Are your stakeholders aware of the company policies or any other diversity & inclusion practices in place to detect gender equity gaps? *

Question 6 of 7

How does your organization measure the success of gender equity policies and or any other diversity & inclusion practice in place to detect gaps and ensure progress? Multiple answers are possible. *
specify *

Question 7 of 7

How does your organization measure the success of an invested business company or startup? Multiple answers are possible. *
specify *

Please leave your contact details so that we can send you the result.

Name *
Surname *
Email address *

Question 1 of 6

Do you follow any processes to assess gender bias in your investment decisions? *
specify *

Question 2 of 6

Have you used any of these resources to learn how to promote gender equity in a work context? Multiple answers are possible. *
specify *

Question 3 of 6

What active steps do you take to work with a more diverse/representative set of founders? *

Question 4 of 6

Do you actively promote gender equity? *

Question 5 of 6

In an investment context, how do you measure the success of any action or initiatives you may have taken to detect gender equity gaps? Multiple answers are possible. Multiple answers are possible. *
specify *

Question 6 of 6

How do you measure the success of an invested business company or startup? Multiple answers are possible. *
specify *

Please leave your contact details so that we can send you the result.

Name *
Surname *
Email address *